Video & Performance


Liquid Cities

The video/photos projected over 3D material is the basis of the material structure of the installations. Saying that, in Buenos Aires I used a frame, which served as a double-sided projection screen for displaying film sequences and photographs. In future projects, the 3D material are going to change in relation with the city’s portrait

by Marisa Rueda on Vimeo.


Existance is a video/installation participative and it was shown in Buenos Aires., Argentina Gallery Arte x Arte, 2012 La instalación, forma escultórica que se mueve en un espacio real determinado, tiene como entrada tridimensional una “puerta”. Esta puerta formada por cilindros blandos, verticales y movibles es una pantalla donde se proyectarán imágenes fotográficas y videos. Esta entrada permitirá el movimiento suficiente para facilitar el ingreso del público a otra sala. En esta sala lo espera un segundo video. La participación del expectador es parte de esta propuesta artística.

by Marisa Rueda on Vimeo.

En las Tierras de Lorca

This video was created when I was invited by Valparaiso to a residency in Andalusia South Spain. As I was working at the time with my mother's dresses, a project that I finished calling Textural Narratives, the landscape brought association to me of Federico Garcia Lorca and I finished linking the dress with the mountains landscape. South of Spain, project done in Valparaiso, Almeria, land of Federico Lorca

by Marisa Rueda on Vimeo.


Performance Shimla
Performance Shimla
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