Liquid Cities
The video/photos projected over 3D material is the basis of the material structure of the installations.
Saying that, in Buenos Aires I used a frame, which served as a double-sided projection screen for displaying
film sequences and photographs. In future projects, the 3D material are going to change in relation with
the city’s portrait
Existance is a video/installation participative and it was shown in Buenos Aires., Argentina Gallery Arte x Arte, 2012
La instalación, forma escultórica que se mueve en un espacio real determinado, tiene como entrada tridimensional
una “puerta”. Esta puerta formada por cilindros blandos, verticales y movibles es una pantalla donde se proyectarán
imágenes fotográficas y videos. Esta entrada permitirá el movimiento suficiente para facilitar el ingreso del público
a otra sala. En esta sala lo espera un segundo video. La participación del expectador es parte de esta propuesta artística.
En las Tierras de Lorca
This video was created when I was invited by Valparaiso to a residency in Andalusia South Spain.
As I was working at the time with my mother's dresses, a project that I finished calling Textural Narratives, the landscape brought association to me of Federico Garcia Lorca and I finished linking the dress with the mountains landscape.
South of Spain, project done in Valparaiso, Almeria, land of Federico Lorca
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